§ 5-6.805. Construction of New Sewer Laterals.  

Latest version.
  • Any person within the Sewer District may connect his/her property to the City sewage system by construction of a new sewer main under one of the following methods and constructing building lateral connecting the property to a sewer main:


    By Improvement District Proceedings. Sewer mains may be financed by the formation of assessment districts and sale of improvement bonds in accordance with existing State laws governing the formation of such districts and the sale of such bonds.


    By Private Contracts—Undeveloped Land. The owner of any undeveloped subdivision, tract, area or lot within the Sewer District may make private arrangements for the construction of sewer mains to serve such subdivision, tract, area or lot in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a registered engineer and approved by the City, at his/her own expense, and by employing a licensed contractor to perform the work. The owner shall reimburse the City for costs incurred by it in the inspection of the work in accordance with a Schedule of Fees approved by the Council from time to time by resolutions and on file in the offices of the City Clerk and Public Works Director.


    By Private Contract—Developed Land. The owner of any developed subdivision, tract, area or lot within the Sewer District may make private arrangements for the construction of sewer mains to serve such subdivisions, tract, area or lot in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a registered engineer and approved by the City, or in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and by employing a licensed contractor to perform the work. The owner shall reimburse the City for costs incurred by it for any preparation of plans and specifications and for inspection of the work in accordance with a Schedule of Fees approved by the Council from time to time by resolution and on file with the City Clerk and Public Works Director.

(Added by Ord. 3137-C.S., § 1, amended by Ord. 3365-C.S., § 3, effective 12-9-04)