§ 9-9.302. Alleys.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It is unlawful for any person who owns, leases, occupies, or has charge, control, or possession of any property in the City to place or allow to remain in any alley abutting said property, from ground level up to a height of twelve (12) feet above the alley surface, any object, material, or growth of any nature except a garbage container, if such is allowed by Section 5-5.109 of the Code. Public utility and cable television equipment, owned or maintained by utilities, is exempt from this section. Accumulated vegetative materials which comply with all regulations of the pruned refuse collection program of the City (Sections 4-7.1101 to 4-7.1108 of this Code) are excluded from this section.


    Any remedy utilized by the City to correct or abate a violation of this section shall, whenever possible, be initially directed to any person who controls, occupies or is in possession of the property in violation. This does not preclude the City from pursuing any remedy available to it against the lessor, manager, or property owner in order to correct or abate the violation.

(Added by Ord. 3512-C.S., § 2, effective 6-12-09)