§ 9-8.1202. Administrative Notice to Abate Nuisance.  

Latest version.
  • If the Building Official decides to proceed with the abatement of a nuisance in a building or structure through administrative proceedings before the Board of Building Appeals, a second notice shall be given directing the owner of the building to appear before the Board at a stated time and place and show cause why the building should not be condemned as a nuisance, and the nuisance be abated as provided in this article. The notice shall be headed "Notice to Abate Nuisance." The Notice and Order shall be in the following form:


    The owner of the building situated at ___________ is hereby notified to appear before the Board of Building Appeals of the City of Modesto at its meeting to be held on ________, 20___, at Room ___, 1010 Tenth Street, Modesto, California, at the hour of ___ o'clock ___.m., or as soon thereafter as the owner may be heard, and show cause, if any, why the building should not be condemned as a public nuisance and the nuisance be abated by reconstructing or properly repairing the building or by razing or removing it.

    Dated: ________

    By ___________

    Chief Building Official

    By: ___________

    (Title of employee)

(Ord. 3513-C.S., § 2, effective 6-12-09)