§ 8-1.902. Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • The City of Modesto has experienced a one hundred ninety-one (191) per cent increase in population between 1960 and 1980, and this trend in rapid growth is continuing. Furthermore, past infrastructure funding sources such as property taxes and Federal Revenue Sharing funding have been substantially reduced so that current funding sources are no longer adequate. Since new development generates a need for new infrastructure such as parks, roads, traffic signals, police, fire, senior citizen services and city hall expansion, it has been determined that development should pay a portion of the costs of this infrastructure. The provisions of this article are adopted to promote the public health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, convenience and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Modesto and to implement the goals and objectives of the General Plan of the City of Modesto. Particularly, the provisions of this article are adopted for the following reasons:


    To provide an adequate and constant method for the financing of the unfunded portion of needed Capital Improvements throughout the City, reasonably related to projected community growth.


    To promote the orderly and efficient expansion of public improvements to adequately meet the domestic and economic needs of the community and to minimize adverse fiscal and environmental impacts of new development.


    To ensure the continuation of necessary services, including, but not limited to, police, fire and general administrative services.


    To establish equitable methods for minimizing public facility and service costs to the City associated with new development.

(Added by Urgency Ord. 2530-C.S., § 1; extended by Urgency Ords. 2531-C.S., § 1, and 2537-C.S., § 1; made permanent by Ord. 2521-C.S., § 1, effective 8-6-87)