§ 7-2.04. Application for Permit.
Every application for a permit shall be made in writing upon forms furnished by the Director, and applications shall furnish thereon such information as is required by the Director.
On major projects, if requested to do so by the Director, applicants shall furnish plans and profiles, in duplicate, showing the work to be done, location, limits of work, location of pavements and replacement types, together with such further information as the Director may require.
If the street cut is to be made in a State Highway, applicant shall comply with all lawful regulations of the Department of Transportation, State of California (Caltrans), and procure from such Department all necessary permits required therefor by the State of California.
At the time of application the applicant shall either (1) provide the City with the utility cut location in a Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) file format (dxf or dwg) in California State Plane, Zone III coordinates, North American Datum 1983 (NAD83), or (2) pay an additional fee for City staff to enter this information into the City GIS system. This fee will be set from time to time by resolution of the City Council.
If the size and/or location of the utility cut is altered from the application information the applicant will provide within five (5) working days accurate "As Built" information to update the original. In all cases where trenchless excavation methods are utilized the applicant will provide a borepath plan prior to work and an "As Built" borepath with the invert information upon project completion.
(Added by Ord. 3196-C.S., § 2, effective 2-1-01)