§ 6-7.202. Permit and License Required.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or cause to be operated any motor bus for the transportation of persons or parcels or packages for compensation on any public street in the City, unless a permit and license from the Council shall have been first secured as herein provided. Application for such permit shall be made to the Council by the person proposing to operate such motor bus. Said application shall be made in writing and verified by the applicant, and shall specify the following matters:


    The name and address of the applicant, or if said applicant be a corporation, then the principal place of business of said corporation and the names and residences of its officers.


    A brief description of the character of vehicles which the applicant intends to operate; and the route over which he intends to operate the same, showing schedules of stops and operating time.


    An agreement or promise of the applicant to conform to and comply with all the requirements of the permit to be granted upon said application pursuant to the provisions of this article, and also to comply with all the provisions and requirements of this article and with all valid laws existing from time to time regulating the operation of motor vehicles in the City.


    A brief statement of facts showing that the public convenience and necessity require the granting of such permit or license.

(Ord. 306-N.S.)