§ 5-8.101. Findings.  

Latest version.
  • The Council of the City of Modesto does hereby find that:


    Numerous scientific studies have found that tobacco smoke is a major contributor to indoor air pollution.


    Reliable scientific studies, including studies by the Surgeon General of the United States and studies commissioned and assessed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, have shown that breathing sidestream or secondhand smoke is a significant health hazard to non-smokers; particularly to children and teens, elderly people, individuals with cardiovascular disease, and individuals with impaired respiratory function, including asthmatics and those with obstructive airway disease.


    Health hazards induced by exposure to environmental tobacco smoke include lung and other forms of cancer, respiratory infection, decreased respiratory function, decreased exercise tolerance, broncho-constriction and broncho-spasm, and that the most common cause of premature death from environmental tobacco smoke is heart disease.


    Reliable scientific studies assessed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have found that sidestream and secondhand tobacco smoke is a leading cause of premature death and disability among nonsmokers.


    Nonsmokers with allergies, respiratory diseases and those who suffer other ill effects of breathing sidestream or secondhand tobacco smoke may experience a loss of job productivity or may be forced to take periodic sick leave because of adverse reactions to same.


    Smoking in public places and work places is a major cause of fires and damage to merchandise and equipment as well as costly maintenance and repairs to furniture and fixtures. Studies have shown higher cost to the employer are associated with smoking in the work place due to increases in absenteeism, accidents, costs of medical care, loss of productivity, and cleaning and maintenance requirements.


    The health care costs produced by smoking-related ailments and diseases constitute a heavy and avoidable financial drain on our community.


    Substantial scientific evidence exists that the direct use of tobacco products causes cancer, heart disease, and various other medical diseases. The Surgeon General of the U.S. has found that tobacco-caused diseases are the leading cause of premature, preventable death and disability in the U.S.


    The Surgeon General of the U.S. and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have found that a majority of those Americans who die of tobacco-caused diseases became addicted to nicotine in tobacco products as adolescents before the age of legal consent.


    The National Institute on Drug Abuse has concluded that the nicotine in tobacco products is a powerful addictive drug and identifies nicotine addiction as the most widespread example of drug dependence in the U.S.


    Air pollution caused by smoking is an offensive annoyance and irritant. Smoking results in serious and significant physical discomfort of nonsmokers and constitutes a public nuisance in public places and work places.


    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration conducted laboratory analysis of electronic cigarette samples and found them to contain carcinogens and toxic chemicals to which users and bystanders could potentially be exposed, suggesting that the same health and public nuisance concerns present with conventional cigarettes exist with electronic cigarettes.

    The City Council further finds it is within its basic police power to implement and enforce the provisions of this chapter.

    (Ord. 2842-C.S., § 1)

(Amended by Ord. 3639-C.S., § 1, effective 12-24-15)