§ 5-6.714. Liability.  

Latest version.
  • In the event that a user does not comply with the conditions and wastes are discharged to the POTW or collection system that causes, or threaten to cause, the water quality control plant's waste treatment facilities to malfunction or otherwise result in a violation of waste discharge requirements or limitations imposed by State or federal regulatory agencies (40 CFR 403.8), the user shall be liable for any and/or all of the following:


    To pay any and all monetary penalties, charges, fees, and other costs that may be imposed on the City by State or federal regulatory agencies as a result of threatened or actual violation(s) or malfunction(s), including administrative and legal fees;


    To pay any and all judgements and associated costs that may be awarded to individuals or entities as a result of threatened or actual violation(s) or malfunction(s);


    To pay the total cost of any interim waste treatment measures that the Director may deem necessary to abate threatened or actual violation(s) or malfunction(s), including consulting and administrative fees;


    To pay the total cost of providing waste treatment facilities needed to remedy threatened or actual violation(s) or malfunction(s);


    To pay the total cost of any damage to the collection system or POTW which results from the users noncompliance with this chapter.

(Added by Ord. 3137-C.S., § 1, effective 6-17-99)