§ 5-6.504. Monitoring/Metering Facilities.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The City may require any user discharging sewage or industrial waste in quantities in excess of twenty-five thousand (25,000) gallons per day or whose flows, in the opinion of the director, may substantially impact the POTW, to construct and maintain in proper operating condition at the user's sole expense, flow monitoring, constituent monitoring and/or sampling facilities of the type the Director deems appropriate for the user's facilities.


    Any sample taken from a sample box or other representative sampling location is considered to be representative of the discharge to the public sewer.


    Monitoring or metering facilities may be required to include a security closure that can be locked with a City provided lock during sampling or upon termination of service.


    Location of the monitoring or metering facilities shall be subject to approval by the City.


    Location of the monitoring or metering facilities shall provide clear and uninterrupted access to the City.


    The Director may utilize metering of the user's water supply instead of or in addition to metering the wastewater discharge.


    Users are required to immediately notify the City within twenty-four (24) hours of any potential exceedance as indicated by observation or sample results after becoming aware of the exceedance. The user is required to immediately resample to confirm a potential exceedance and resubmit the results to the City within thirty (30) days.

    (Added by Ord. 3137-C.S., § 1, effective 6-17-99)

(Ord. 3649-C.S., § 4, effective 7-14-16)