§ 5-6.309. Rules and Regulations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The City Manager, upon the recommendation of the Director responsible for utility system planning, shall request City Council approval for all extensions of sewer services into unincorporated areas. No person shall connect property outside the City to the sewage system without first obtaining Council approval, and paying the fees and charges imposed by the City. In considering applications for furnishing sewer service to property located outside the City, the City Manager may impose such reasonable conditions to the granting of such privilege as the City Manager deems to be in the best interest of the City. The City Manager shall establish the conditions and the City Council shall approve said conditions from time to time by resolution. Any agreements for the provision of such sewer service shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney. Exception: The City Manager's decision on the extension of sewer services into unincorporated areas shall be final without City Council approval in all cases where no service upgrades to the City's existing utility system are required, and the property to be served is within service areas defined from time to time by City Council resolution.


    Each user shall be responsible for the construction, maintenance and repair of his or her house sewer line. Each user shall be liable for damages which may result to the sewage system from his or her failure to keep his or her house sewer line in good order. A City inspector shall be admitted at all reasonable hours to all parts of any premises connected with the sewage system for purposes of checking the house sewer line and all fixtures and facilities connected thereto.


    When a sewer connection fee is paid for a particular parcel, it shall be credited to subsequent owners of that parcel. Refunds shall be made for duplicate payments. Additional fees will be required where there are zoning, use density changes that will increase the fees.

    (Added by Ord. 3191-C.S., § 1, and Ord. 3365-C.S., § 3, effective 12-9-04)

(Ord. 3567-C.S., § 1, effective 7-5-12; Ord. No. 3612-C.S., § 1, effective 1-9-15)