§ 5-6.301. Connection to Sewage System Required.  

Latest version.
  • Every building or structure in the Sewer District located where sewer service is available and in which plumbing fixtures are installed shall be connected to the sewage system within the time period provided for in Section 5-6.302. This requirement shall apply to any building or structure existing on July 1, 1967, as well as any building or structure thereafter constructed.

    For the purpose of this section, sewer service is available to any building or structure when a sewer lateral/sewer main is located within one hundred (100) feet from the property line of the lot on which the building or structure is located. Sewer service is available to new development when a sewer lateral/sewer main is located within one hundred (100) feet of any property line of the new development. Every house sewer line, sewer lateral/sewer main, subtrunk sewer, and trunk sewer constructed after November 28, 2017, shall be located within a utility easement, public right-of-way, or within the parcel served. After November 28, 2017, any new house sewer line, sewer lateral/sewer main, subtrunk sewer, or trunk sewer not located within a dedicated utility easement, shall convey flows from the parcel on which it is located and no other parcel.

    (Added by Ord. 3137-C.S., § 1, and Ord. 3377-C.S., § 1, effective 3-1-05)

(Ord. No. 3680-C.S., § 2, effective 1-4-2018)