Article 1. Solid Waste  

§ 5-5.101. Declaration of Policy.
§ 5-5.102. Penalty Provisions.
§ 5-5.103. Definitions.
§ 5-5.104. Segregation and Disposition of Solid Waste Materials.
§ 5-5.105. Illegal Dumping, Depositing or Burying Solid Waste.
§ 5-5.106. Accumulation of Garbage, Garbage/Recyclables, Small Green Waste, or Rubbish.
§ 5-5.107. Garbage, Garbage/Recyclables, Small Green Waste, and/or Swill Collection.
§ 5-5.108. Containers Required.
§ 5-5.109. Number of Containers Required.
§ 5-5.110. Prohibited Location of Containers.
§ 5-5.111. Container Locations.
§ 5-5.112. Explosives or Hazardous Materials.
§ 5-5.113. Spillage of Solid Waste.
§ 5-5.114. Furnishing of Detachable and Drop Box Containers.
§ 5-5.115. Hours of Collection.
§ 5-5.116. Collection Equipment.
§ 5-5.117. Agreement to Collect Solid Waste.
§ 5-5.118. Removal of Solid Waste by Producers.
§ 5-5.119. Rate-Making for Solid Waste Collection Services.
§ 5-5.120. Fee for Collection of Solid Waste and Industrial Garbage.
§ 5-5.121. Fee for Collection of Swill.
§ 5-5.122. Delinquent Fees.
§ 5-5.123. Collection Agreement Proposals.
§ 5-5.124. Procedure to Enter into Agreement.
§ 5-5.125. Protests May Be Filed.
§ 5-5.126. Hearing.
§ 5-5.127. Competitive Bids.
§ 5-5.128. Entering Agreements.
§ 5-5.129. Limit on Number of Agreements.
§ 5-5.130. Insurance.
§ 5-5.131. Faithful Performance Bond by Solid Waste Collectors.
§ 5-5.132. Assignment of Agreements.
§ 5-5.133. Termination of Agreements.
§ 5-5.134. Customer May Contract for Excess Collection.
§ 5-5.135. Collection of Solid Waste Charges.
§ 5-5.136. Records Required.
§ 5-5.137. Annual Financial Report by Solid Waste Collectors.
§ 5-5.138. Inspection and Enforcement.
§ 5-5.139. Application of Other Provisions of this Code.
§ 5-5.140. Collection.
§ 5-5.141. Unattended Newspaper Recycling Receptacles Prohibited Without the Issuance of a Temporary Permit.
§ 5-5.142. Mandatory Commercial Recycling.