§ 5-2.210. Notifications.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any person or massage Business Licensee shall notify the City Finance Department of any amendments or changes necessary to the information provided to the City pursuant to Section 5-2.203.


    Any person or massage Business Licensee who holds a City Business License pursuant to Section 5-2.203 shall inform the City Finance Department within five (5) days if any of following events occur:


    Arrest of any employee, owner, manager, operator of the massage establishment.


    Any event involving an employee, owner, manager, operator or independent contractor, volunteer that may constitute a violation of this Chapter or any state or federal law.


    This provision shall be complied with even if the licensee believes that the City has or will receive the information from another source.

(Added by Ord. 3642-C.S., § 1, effective 3-24-16)