§ 5-2.106. Operating Requirements for Massage.

Latest version.
  • All massage establishment owners, operators, employees, sole proprietors, independent contractors and any person performing massage within the City shall comply with all of the following operating requirements.


    CAMTC certification shall be worn by and on the massage therapist's person during working hours and at all times when the massage therapist is inside a massage establishment or providing outcall massage. No owner, operator or manager of a massage establishment shall allow or permit a person to administer massage for such establishment unless the practitioner possesses and wears a valid CAMTC certificate.


    Massage shall only be performed between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. No massage business shall be open and no massage shall be provided between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. A massage commenced prior to 10:00 p.m. shall terminate prior to 10:00 pm. and all clients shall exit the massage establishment prior to 10:00 pm.


    A list of services available and the cost of each service shall be posted in the reception area within the massage establishment, and shall be described in English if another language is also used to list the available services. Outcall service providers shall provide such a list to clients in advance of performing any service. No owner, manager, or operator shall permit, and no massage therapist shall offer to perform any service other than those posted or listed, as required herein, nor shall an owner, manager, or operator nor a massage therapist request or charge a fee for any service other than those on the list of available services posted in the reception area or provided to the client in advance of any outcall services.


    The massage establishment premises and facilities shall meet and be maintained in a condition to comply with all applicable code requirements of the City, including, but not limited to, those related to the safety of structures, adequacy of the plumbing, lighting, heating, ventilation, waterproofing of rooms in which showers, water or steam baths are used, and the health and cleanliness of the facility.


    Clients of the massage establishment shall be furnished with a private dressing room. Dressing rooms need not be separate from the room in which the massage is being performed.


    Toilet facilities shall be provided in convenient locations within the massage establishment and shall consist of at least one (1) unisex toilet with lavatories or wash basins provided with soap and both hot and cold running water either in the toilet room or vestibule.


    A minimum of one (1) wash basin for employees shall be provided at all times. The basin shall be located within or as close as practicable to the area devoted to performing of massage services. Soap and sanitary towels shall also be provided at each basin.


    The CAMTC certificate of each and every massage therapist performing massage shall be displayed in the reception area or in the area where massage is to be performed. CAMTC certificates of former employees, independent contractors, volunteers shall be removed as soon as those massage therapists are no longer performing massage at the location. All records of employees, independent contractors, volunteers who have performed massage for a massage business shall be retained for a period of two (2) years.


    Massage therapists shall be fully clothed at all times. Clothing shall be of a fully opaque, non-transparent material and said garments shall not expose their genitals, pubic areas, buttocks, or breasts.


    Every massage business shall keep a written or electronic record of the date and hour of each treatment administered, the name and address of each patron, the name of the massage therapist administering treatment, and the type of treatment administered. Such written or electronic record shall be available for inspection by officials charged with the enforcement of this chapter. Such records shall be kept on the premises of a massage establishment for a period of two (2) years and shall be open to inspection by the City.


    Where the massage establishment has staff available to ensure security, the entry to the reception area of the massage business shall remain unlocked during business hours when the establishment is open for business or when clients are present.


    No massage establishment shall simultaneously operate as a school of massage, or share facilities with a school of massage.


    Minimum lighting consisting of at least one (1) artificial light of not less than forty (40) watts shall be provided and shall be operating in each room or enclosure where massage services are being performed on clients and in all areas where clients are present.


    No massage establishment shall allow any person to reside within the massage establishment or in any attached structures owned, leased or controlled by the massage establishment owners.


    All massage establishments must comply with all state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to disabled clients.


    All massage establishments must comply with the city's sign ordinance pursuant to Title 10, Chapter 6 of the Modesto Municipal Code.

(Added by Ord. 3642-C.S., § 1, effective 3-24-16)