§ 5-1.518. Certificate of Exemption.

Latest version.
  • Any owner or lawful possessor of a water well or monitoring well which is abandoned or soon to be abandoned but who intends to use such well again may apply to the Public Works Director, in a form satisfactory to the Public Works Director, for exemption from the requirement that such well be destroyed. If the Public Works Director determines from review of said application that exemption from destruction would not pollute or contaminate groundwater and would not create or aggravate a hazard to health or safety, the Public Works Director shall issue a certificate of exemption. A certificate of exemption shall expire three (3) years after issuance and may be terminated by the Public Works Director at any time prior to expiration upon the Public Works Director's determination that destruction of the well is necessary to prevent pollution or contamination of groundwater or to avoid health or safety hazards. Successive certificates of exemption may be issued with respect to a well in the same manner as the original certificate.

(Added by Ord. 2703-C.S., § 1, amended during 11-98 supplement and by Ord. 3129-C.S., § 1, and Ord. 3365-C.S., § 1, effective 12-9-04)