§ 5-10.709. Liability.  

Latest version.
  • In the event that any person does not comply with the provisions of this chapter, any provision of any permit issued pursuant to this chapter, or who discharges waste or wastewater which causes pollution, or who violates any cease and desist order, prohibition or effluent limitation contrary to State or Federal law, and pollutant(s) are discharged to the City's MS4, that cause or threaten to cause an adverse impact on water quality, or a receiving stream or the groundwater, that person shall be liable for any or all of the following:


    Any and all monetary penalties, charges, fees, cleanup costs, and other costs that may be imposed on the City by State or Federal regulatory agencies as a result of threatened or actual violation(s), including administrative and legal fees;


    Any and all judgments and associated costs that may be awarded to individuals or entities as a result of threatened or actual violation(s);


    The total costs of containment, cleanup, treatment or disposal that the Director may deem necessary to abate threatened or actual adverse impact on water quality of a receiving stream or the ground water, including consulting and administrative fees.


    Interest on the foregoing from the date of expenditure until the date paid.

(Ord. 3355 § 1, effective 10-8-04)