§ 4-1.1103. Investigation of Applicant and Business.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The Chief of Police shall conduct an investigation of each applicant and business establishment to be operated as a pistol and/or rifle range.


    If the Chief of Police finds from an investigation of the application and of the business premises that the applicant is of good moral character and that a pistol and/or rifle range may be operated without danger to the public peace, health or safety, the Chief of Police shall issue a permit, specifying the character and caliber of the firing devices and cartridges permitted; but if he finds that the applicant is not a person of good moral character, or that a pistol and/or rifle range cannot be operated as applied for without endangering the public peace, health or safety, he may deny the application, in whole or in part.

(Added by Ord. 2212-C.S., § 1, effective 10-26-83)