§ 4-15.501. Business Closure.  

Latest version.
  • When the business possessing an outdoor dining encroachment permit closes, the permittee must provide the City the following within the timelines designated:


    Written Notification. Permittees must provide the City with written notification of the business closure within thirty (30) days prior to the anticipated closure date. Said notification shall include a schedule for removal of barriers and other outdoor dining fixtures.


    Removal of Barriers and Fixtures. Permittees shall have thirty (30) days from the date of business closure to remove all barriers and other outdoor dining fixtures. Permittees shall notify the City for final inspection once all barriers and fixtures are removed. Failure to remove barriers within the thirty (30) day period and/or failure to maintain insurance, may result in the City taking action to remove the barriers and fixtures. Expenses incurred shall be billable to the permit holder and/or deducted from the deposit.


    Maintenance of Insurance. Permittees shall continue to maintain valid insurance until such time as all barriers and outdoor dining fixtures are removed and the City has performed a site inspection.


    Removal Deposit Refund. Once notified all barriers and outdoor dining fixtures are removed, the City will perform a final inspection. If said removal occurs within the thirty (30) day timeline allowed pursuant to Section 4-15.206, the permittee will be refunded the removal deposit, if any, provided for in Section 4-15.104 of this article.

(Ord. 3407-C.S., § 1, effective 5-25-06)