§ 4-11.202. Applications.  

Latest version.
  • Every application submitted to the Chief of Police shall include the following information:


    The type of permit application is made;


    The name, including all aliases, by which the applicant is or has ever been known;


    The applicant's present residence address and the residence addresses and dates thereof for the three (3) years immediately preceding the date of the application;


    Written proof that the applicant is at least eighteen (18) years of age;


    The applicant's height, weight, color of eyes and hair;


    The business, occupation, or employment of the applicant for the three (3) years immediately preceding the date of application;


    The applicant's social security number and driver's license number or California identification card number;


    The fortune-telling or similar business license or permit history of the applicant, including:


    Whether such person has previously operated in this or another city or state under license or permit,


    Whether such person has had such license or permit revoked or suspended and the reason therefor,


    The business activity or occupation of such person subsequent to such action of suspension or revocation;


    Whether the applicant has ever been convicted of theft, fraud or crimes involving moral turpitude or any felony involving such offenses unless a period of not less than five (5) years shall have elapsed since the date of conviction or the date of release from confinement for such offenses, whichever is later;


    The location at which the permittee is to be employed;


    Every application for a permit to operate a fortune-telling establishment shall also set forth the exact nature of the services to be provided and the proposed place of business and facilities therefor;


    Every application for a permit to operate a fortune-telling establishment shall give the name and address of the owners and lessors of the real property upon or in which the business is to be conducted;


    If an applicant is a corporation, the application shall also set forth the name of the corporation exactly as shown in its articles of incorporation, together with the names and residence addresses of each of the officers, directors, and each stockholder holding five (5) percent or more of the stock of the corporation.

    The corporation shall designate one of its officers to act as the responsible managing officer of the fortune-telling establishment. Such officer shall complete the application form as an individual applicant under this chapter;


    If the applicant is a partnership, the application shall also set forth the name and residence address of each of the partners, including limited partners.

    The partnership shall designate one of the partners to act as the managing partner of the fortune-telling establishment. Such a partner shall complete the application form as an individual applicant under this chapter. If one (1) or more of the partners is a corporation, the provisions of this section pertaining to a corporate applicant shall apply;


    Such other identification and information necessary to disclose the truth of matters hereinbefore specified as required to be set forth in the application;


    Every application for a permit shall be verified by affidavit, or by declaration or certification under penalty of perjury as provided in the California Code of Civil Procedure.

(Added by Ord. 2390-C.S., § 1, effective 11-26-85)