§ 3-8.05.5. Form of Ambulance Operator's Permit.
If the Council, by resolution, shall find and declare that the public convenience and necessity require the proposed ambulance service or will admit additional ambulance service, a permit to that effect shall be issued to the person or persons entitled thereto by having complied with the requirements of this chapter and all the requirements of this chapter having been met; and the Council in its discretion shall determine the total number of ambulances which may be operated under such permit. The permit when issued shall state the name and address of the applicant, the number of ambulances that may be operated under said permit, and the date of issuance thereof. No permit authorized hereunder shall be issued to any person who shall not have fully complied with all the requirements of this chapter.
(Added by Ord. 465-C.S., effective 6-27-61)