§ 11-1.06. Metered Services.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All hotels, lodging houses, single-family dwellings located within the City's outlying water systems, multiple-family dwellings, campgrounds, office buildings, eating houses, commercial establishments, industrial plants, theaters, hospitals, laundries, dance halls, warehouses, bus stations, milk plants, manufacturing establishments, service stations, wash racks, cooling systems and any or all other places offering services to the public or commodities for sale, as well as owners of gardens using water for irrigation of flowers and vegetables to be used commercially, must be equipped with meters as soon as possible and shall be charged for water on the metered rate as specified by resolution of the City Council.


    New single-family dwellings issued a building permit on or after October 1, 1991, within the City of Modesto water system shall be equipped with a meter.


    Where clusters of single-family dwellings are located on a single parcel of property, service may be provided by a metered connection for each individual unit or a single metered connection serving all units under one (1) ownership.


    All buildings of any kind whatsoever, whether industrial, commercial or residential, heretofore or hereafter equipped with water using heat pumps or refrigeration units shall be equipped with meters and shall be charged for water on the metered rate as specified by resolution of the City Council.


    Each swimming pool and bathing pool heretofore or hereafter constructed shall be metered except those located on residential property and equipped with a filtering system meeting the standards approved by the Community Development Director; provided, further, that every swimming pool and bathing pool heretofore or hereafter constructed which is used commercially or by a closed membership association or corporation shall be metered. The connection fee and water rates for pools required to be metered shall be as provided for other metered connections.


    For all metered services, the City will furnish, install and maintain all meters, with the property owner or water user to pay the cost of the meter, installation and maintenance. The cost of meters and installation shall be in accordance with a schedule approved by the Council from time to time by resolution and on file in the offices of the City Clerk, Director of Utilities and Finance Director. In the case of existing meters under the ownership of the property owner, the City will assume responsibility for maintenance and replacement of the meters upon receipt of transfer of title from the owner. Said title shall be in a form satisfactory to the Director of Utilities.

(Ord. 1069-N.S., amended by Ord. 665-C.S., Ord. 1050-C.S., Ord. 1443-C.S., Ord. 2763-C.S., § 1, Ord. 3133-C.S., § 1, Ord. 3316-C.S., § 1, Ord. 3368-C.S., § 1, and Ord. 3370-C.S., § 1, effective 12-23-04; Ord. 3678-C.S., § 1, effective 10-26-17)