§ 10-7.514. Use Types.  

Latest version.
  • Use type categories and examples of each category are described in Table 7.5-2 Use Types below. Sections 10-7.506 to 10-7.511 provide development standards for the Downtown Zones and they identify permitted Use Types by Building Type and floor.

    Table 7.5-2 Use Types

    Use Type Definitions
    Use Type Examples 1, 2, 3
    See Sections
    Civic uses are generally not-for-profit and serve a public benefit by furthering social, cultural, artistic, religious or educational opportunities. These uses provide a service that typically generates substantial visitation and activity during operating hours. Government (Buildings, Facilities, Parks, etc.)
    Place of Worship
    Performing Arts Theater
    Art Gallery
    Lodging uses offer temporary housing for a fee. The housing options may range from shared studios to multi-bedroom suites with full food preparation and consumption facilities. The duration of stay will range from one night to as long as one month. Hotel/Motel
    Bed and Breakfast
    Office uses provide administrative services for firms and institutions or services to individuals, firms, or other entities. These uses typically operate between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Attorney 10-2.159
    Architect/Engineer 10-2.159
    Financial Planner 10-2.159
    Dentist/Doctor 10-2.160
    Real Estate Professional 10-2.159
    Staffing Agency 10-2.159
    Residential uses are housing units occupied by the owner or renter. Each unit provides an independent living facility including provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, eating, and sanitation. Duplex
    Multiple Family (Apartment, Rowhouse, etc.)
    Single-Family Home
    Residential Care Facilities 10-2.172
    Retail uses are for-profit businesses that offer durable goods, nondurable goods, entertainment and/or recreational services that are purchased, consumed or enjoyed by patrons on-site and off-site. These uses tend to have a fast turnover, with complete transactions typically lasting a few minutes to a couple of hours. Bar/Club
    Movie Theater
    General Retail (Department Store, etc.) 10-2.174
    Neighborhood Retail (Apparel, Grocery, etc.) 10-2.175
    Recreational Facility (Bowling, Health Club, etc.) 10-2.165
    Businesses that provide repair, cleaning or personal services, or rent durable goods or facilities, or sell wholesale goods to retailers. Service uses that generate substantial amounts of noise, odor, or other nuisance activities such as vehicle repairs, contractor services, and outdoor kennels are not permitted. Transactions can last less than an hour or can involve appointments and may take more than one day to complete. Banquet Halls 10-2.199
    Car Rental
    Catering Business
    Janitorial Services
    Personal Services (Dance Studio, Salon, etc.) 10-2.179
    Repair Services (Appliance, Electronic, etc.) 10-2.181
    1. Determination of permitted uses shall be made by the Director based on the above definitions and examples as well as the land use regulations in Title 10.
    2. See individual Downtown Zones for permitted uses by Building Type and floors.
    3. Adult entertainment, single-room occupancies, homeless and emergency shelters are not permitted in the Downtown Zones.
    4. A residential care facility providing care for seven or more persons is subject to a conditional use permit.
    5. Establishments providing entertainment are subject to the provisions of Article 4 of Chapter 1 of Title 4.
    6. Central and Transition Zones only