§ 10-7.505. Downtown Zones Purpose.  

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  • The Zoning Map identifies six (6) form-based code zones in the downtown area. Each Downtown Zone is different in terms of purpose, development standards, intensity, and allowed uses. The Downtown Zones are similar to conventional zones in that they address development standards and land uses. Where they differ is that the Downtown Zones address building and lot form and allow mixed land uses on individual parcels.


    Central Downtown (CD) . This zone is intended to foster the most intensive and active urban environment in the Downtown, while ensuring an overall human scale to development. This is accomplished with large, but unobtrusive building envelopes that accommodate a mixture of uses, including residential, with an interface that promotes a very strong public/private connection and lively streetscape.

    The district contains Historic Preservation sites that are included on the landmark preservation list in the General Plan. Special considerations for these sites are provided in the general provisions section of this article.


    Transition Downtown (TD) . This zone is intended to foster an intensive and active urban environment, but at a reduced scale from what is found in the Central District. This is accomplished with medium-large building envelopes that accommodate a mixture of uses, including residential, with an interface that promotes a strong public/private connection and lively streetscape.

    In addition to Historic Preservation sites, the zone contains the site of a future passenger rail station. The future station is intended to accommodate associated regional rail and future high speed rail service within the Downtown.


    Urban General Downtown (UGD) . The Urban General Downtown Zone is intended to create space for more urban activities. New housing is highly desirable because residents help ensure that street life is safe and because residents provide passive nighttime security for day uses. This zone links the Central Downtown Zone to the outer districts and areas of downtown.


    Main Street Downtown (MSD) . This zone is intended to promote and enhance a vibrant "main street" commercial environment within walking distance of the surrounding neighborhood. The Main Street Downtown Zone is intended to be the commercial focus of the surrounding neighborhood but at a smaller scale than the Central Downtown Zone. The focus of this district is on commercial uses but it also accommodates residential uses.


    East Neighborhood Downtown (END) . The purpose of this zone is to facilitate the continuing transition of the east area of downtown that was originally developed as a residential neighborhood but is in the process of changing to commercial and office uses. This zone would allow a mixture of uses where new development would include a variety of housing types and commercial uses.


    Traditional Neighborhood Downtown (TND). This zone is intended to allow new residential development that is compatible with the traditional single family residential character of the neighborhood. This objective is accomplished by addressing certain provisions such as frontage types, setbacks, building envelope, building height, building type, and yard areas to be compatible with the historical and existing characteristics of this residential neighborhood.


(Ord. No. 3618-C.S., § 2(Exh. A), 6-25-15)