§ 10-7.501. Purpose and Intent.  

Latest version.
  • This article establishes a form-based code as the mechanism for development review and entitlement within Downtown. The form based code focuses on the form of the built environment as primary and the uses contained within the built environment as secondary. Downtown consists of six (6) form-based code zones with distinct development criteria. Portions of Downtown consist of conventional zones that are focused more on land use rather than form and are not regulated under this Article. The six (6) Downtown Zones are delineated on the Zoning Map and defined in the Planning Zones Purpose Section 10-7-505. Downtown Zones are intended to:


    Implement policies of the Modesto Urban Area General Plan by promoting higher density, mixed-use development to create a balanced, vibrant downtown and active neighborhood centers;


    Preserve and enhance downtown's historic buildings and sites;


    Ensure development is convenient and safe for pedestrians and bicycle riders;


    Provide additional housing choices and opportunities;


    Reduce dominance of off-street parking areas and parking structures; and,


    Encourage useable private open spaces.

(Ord. No. 3618-C.S., § 2(Exh. A), effective 6-25-15)