§ 10-5.107. Landscaping.  

Latest version.
  • All parking area landscaping shall be designed to the following standards:


    Whenever a parking area abuts a street, a perimeter landscape strip shall be provided pursuant to the landscape setback provisions of the base zoning district in conformance with Chapter 1, Landscaping and Irrigation Standards of Title 12 (MMC Sections 12-1.01—12-1.09). There shall be a minimum of a four-foot by five-foot planting area for each tree planted in a landscaped planter. Dimensions are measured from the interior side of the curb or permanent border as approved by the Parks, Recreation and Neighborhoods Director. Planter landscaping shall provide a visual landscape screen to a minimum height of three (3) feet and a maximum height of four (4) feet. Visual screening may be accomplished solely by landscaping or in conjunction with a decorative masonry wall. All screening shall conform to the clear vision triangle regulations (Section 10-4.404 of this Code).


    In the interior of a parking area, areas shall be designated for tree planting. Each tree planting area shall contain a minimum of one (1) deciduous tree planted with a minimum of 15-gallon sized stock. The Street Tree Plan, Appendix E, "General Tree Species List," a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's office, shall be used for recommendations. Trees selected shall be approved by the Parks, Recreation and Neighborhoods Director. There shall be (a minimum of) one (1) tree planted for every eight (8) parking spaces. Tree planting areas shall be distributed throughout the parking area to achieve a fifty (50) percent surface shading within ten (10) years of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. For parking areas with only one (1) aisle parking lot shade trees may be planted along the periphery. To qualify as a parking lot shade tree, the tree must be located within seven and one-half (7.5) feet of a parking space.