§ 10-5.106. Improvement Standards.  

Latest version.
  • The following improvement standards are applicable to all parking areas:


    Surface of Parking Area. Parking areas shall be paved in accordance with requirements of the City Engineer.


    Striping of Parking Area. All parking areas of five (5) or more spaces shall be marked by striping to delineate spaces.
    The spaces shall be double-striped as shown in the Figure 5.1-3. Painted line width shall be four (4) inches. The lines shall be laid parallel to, and one (1) foot within each stall, fifteen and one-half (15.5) feet in length for a full-sized space and twelve and one-half (12.5) feet in length for a small car space, including semicircular cap as shown in Figure 5.1-3.

    Figure 5.1-3



    Lighting. All parking areas of five (5) of more spaces shall provide and maintain a minimum of one-third ( 1/3 ) foot candle illumination per square foot over the entire parking area during the hours of darkness. Wiring for illumination shall be underground unless existing overhead lines can serve the need without any additional overhead lines. Lights provided to illuminate a parking area shall be arranged so as to reflect the light away from any area upon which a dwelling is located.