§ 10-5.103. General Parking Provisions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    General Requirements. The following requirements apply when implementing the parking regulations:


    When the required number of spaces results in a fractional space, it shall be counted as a space if it is one-half (0.5) space or more.


    When a parking requirement is based on square footage, it shall mean gross square footage of the building.


    When a parking requirement is based on number of seats, number of beds or other similar formula, the number shall be as determined by the Director.


    Where there are mixed uses, the requirement for spaces shall be the sum of the requirements for each use unless approved for shared use of spaces as set forth below in Section 10-5.104.


    When a building is removed, any new building on the site shall have spaces provided in accordance with this article


    When the parking requirement for a use is not listed above, or if the procedure for determining the requirement is not specified, the Director shall determine the applicable requirement or procedure.


    Compact Spaces. A maximum of thirty (30) percent of the spaces in a lot may be designated for parking compact cars. Compact spaces shall be identified with the words "Compact" painted on the pavement. Compact spaces shall be distributed throughout a parking area.


    Location. All parking shall be located on the site it serves, unless otherwise approved per Section 10-5.104.


    Bicycle Parking. Bicycle racks or other secure bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance to the California Green Building Code.