§ 10-4.404. Vision Obstructions (Clear Vision Triangle).  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In zones requiring a front setback, there shall be a clear vision triangle on all corner lots. The triangle is an area bounded by the front and street-side property lines and a line connecting them twenty-five (25) feet from their intersection. Within the triangle, the area between three (3) and eight (8) feet in height measured from the top of the curb adjacent to the front yard shall be clear. Trees may penetrate the clear area as long as there are no branches lower than eight (8) feet and the trunk does not constitute a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic as determined by the Traffic Engineer. If no curb exists, the City Engineer shall establish curb grade.


    In addition to obstructions in subsection (a) of this section above, the Traffic Engineer may require the removal of landscaping or structures on any lot which in his/her opinion constitute a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic.