§ 10-4.202. Development Standards.  

Latest version.
  • The development standards for the commercial zones are found in Table 4.2-1. The specific commercial development standards provided after the table apply to all commercial zones unless otherwise specified.

    Table 4.2-1 Commercial Development Standards

    Development Standards Zoning Districts Notes
    P-O C-1 C-2 C-3
    Area - - - -
    Width - - - -
    Front and Street-Side (corner lot) (minimum in feet)
    Building 15 10 10 15 Both frontages on through lots
      When Lot is Adjacent to Alley 15 0 0 15
    Parking Area 10 10 10 10
      When Lot is Adjacent to Alley 10 4 4 10
    Rear and Side (interior lot) (minimum in feet) See Section 10-4.203 d for

    residential use
    Building (not adjacent to residential zone) 5 0 0 0
      Adjacent to Residential Zone (1)
        One Story (minimum/maximum in feet) 10 10/40 10/40 10/40 See Section 10-4.203
        Two Story (minimum/maximum in feet) 20 20/40 20/40 20/40
        Three Story and higher - - 50 50
    Parking Area (not adjacent to residential zone) 5 0 0 0
      Adjacent to Residential Zone (1) 10 10 10 10
    Structure (maximum in stories/feet, whichever is less) (not adjacent to residential zone) 2/35 2/35 8/90 3/45 Added height with CUP

    See Section 10-4.401
    Adjacent to Residential Zone (1) (maximum in stories/feet, whichever is less) 2/35 2/35 3/45 3/45
    Minimum in Front Yard and Street Side Yard Area (parking/building in feet) 10/15 10 10 10/15 See Section 10-4.402
      When Lot is Adjacent to Alley (parking/building in feet) 10/15 4/0 4/0 10/15
    Minimum in Rear Yard and Interior Side Yard (in feet) 5 0 0 0
    Minimum Landscaping next to Residential Zone (1) (in feet) 10 10 10 10
    Parking See Chapter 5
    Signs See Chapter 6
    Access See Section 10-4.204
    Fencing See Section 10-4.406
    Design See Section 10-4.205
    (1) Adjacent to residential zone includes R-1, R-2, R-3, or residential P-D zones in the City or County
    Note: Multifamily development allowed with a conditional use permit shall comply with R-2 or R-3 development standards.