§ 10-4.104. Density.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In the R-2 Zone, there shall be a minimum density of one (1) dwelling unit per four thousand (4,000) square feet of lot area (equates to a minimum density of ten and nine-tenth (10.9) dwelling units per net acre). A maximum density of one (1) dwelling unit shall be permitted for each three thousand (3,000) square feet of lot area (equates to a maximum density of fourteen and five-tenth (14.5) dwelling units per net acre).


    In the R-3 Zone, there shall be a minimum density of one (1) dwelling unit per two thousand (2,000) square feet of lot area (equates to a minimum density of twenty one and eight-tenth (21.8) dwelling units per net acre). A maximum density of three (3) dwelling units shall be permitted for the first six thousand (6,000) square feet of lot area and one (1) dwelling unit shall be permitted for each fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet over the required area for three (3) dwelling units (equates to a maximum density of twenty-nine (29.0) dwelling units per net acre).


    In the R-2 and R-3 zones, the minimum density shall be provided unless the applicant demonstrates and the Director makes the following findings:


    The proposed development is on an existing lot where the lot cannot accommodate a development of the minimum density due to configuration of existing buildings or shape or size of the lot, or


    A lower density will not adversely affect the City's ability to accommodate and provide its remaining share of the Regional Housing Needs Allocation for very-low and low-income households based on the remaining acreage of Medium Density Residential (R-2) or Medium-High Density Residential (R-3) zoned land at the time of application, provided, that if an adverse impact as described could otherwise occur, that such impact will be mitigated by one of the following means:


    An equivalent parcel of land of the same or greater acreage is provided by the applicant and rezoned to the same or greater density simultaneously, or


    The applicant agrees to construct and covenant for affordable units on the subject site or another site in a number sufficient to ensure no net loss of units based on the minimum density set forth herein.