§ 10-4.101. Purpose and Intent.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The Purpose of the Residential Zoning Districts is to ensure that development will result in neighborhoods of stable, desirable character that are well integrated within the fabric of the City, and that are consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan. The development regulations contained herein are further established to:


    Implement General Plan policy by facilitating residential development and neighborhoods throughout appropriate portions of the City;


    Encourage the continued vitality of existing neighborhoods and, where appropriate, encourage the revitalization of neighborhoods through use of appropriate standards and incentives;


    Preserve a high degree of compatibility between adjacent residential uses, and between residential and adjacent non-residential uses;


    Ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for Residential uses;


    Encourage a wide variety of residential product types and densities that meet the diverse economic and social needs of all residents;


    Implement the policies of the Housing Element of the General Plan by providing areas specifically for the purpose of medium and medium high density multi-family residential housing.


    The Intent of each Residential Zoning District is as follows:


    The R-1 (Low-Density Residential) zoning district is intended to accommodate lower-density residential development, including accessory structures and uses;


    The R-2 (Medium-Density Residential) zoning district is intended to accommodate medium-density residential development, including accessory uses and structures; and,


    The R-3 (Medium-High-Density Residential) zoning district is intended to accommodate relatively higher-density residential development, including accessory structures and uses.