Latest version.
  • The control, management and administration of the public schools of the City of Modesto, and the territory that is now or may hereafter be annexed thereto for school purposes, in accordance with the Constitution and general laws of the State of California, are hereby vested in a Board of Education. In all matters not specifically provided for in this article, the Board shall be governed by the provisions of the general law relating to such matters and shall be vested with all the powers and charged with all the duties provided by the laws of the State for city boards of education. The Board of Education shall be the governing body of the Modesto City School District of Stanislaus County and the Modesto High School District of Stanislaus County.

    The Board of Education shall consist of seven (7) members who may receive compensation pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Education Code of the State of California. The Board of Education shall select a method of election for its members, by resolution, including but not limited to trustee or at large, in accordance with Chapter 1, Part 4, Division 1, Title 1 of the California Education Code, or any succeeding statute. The members of the Board of Education shall hold office for a period of four (4) years from and after the first Tuesday following the Regular Municipal Election at which they are elected and continuing until their successors are elected and have qualified. No person shall be eligible to be nominated for or to hold office as a member of the Board of Education unless the person is and shall have been for at least thirty (30) days preceding the person's nomination or appointment a resident and registered elector of the school district or districts which are under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education.

(As amended April 20, 1971, November 2, 1976, November 4, 1980, November 5, 1985, November 7, 1989, and June 7, 2016)