Latest version.
  • The City Manager shall, on or before December 15 of each year, submit to the Mayor and to the Council a five (5) year economic forecast of expenditures and revenues for each City department, office or agency.

    The Mayor shall, on or before January 15 of each year, prepare and deliver to the Council the Mayor's Proposed Budget Priorities and Direction for both the City's Capital Budget and for the City's Operating Budget.

    The City Manager shall, on or before February 1 of each year, prepare and deliver to the Mayor and to the Council a Capital and Operating Mid-Year Budget Report for each City department, office or agency.

    The Mayor shall, on or before February 15 of each year prepare and deliver to the Council the Mayor's Budget Message which shall include:

    (a) A statement of the fiscal priorities which the City should adopt for the ensuing fiscal year; and

    (b) Which City services, departments, offices or agencies the Mayor proposes to be expanded or reduced.

    The Council shall hold a public hearing to consider the Final Mayor's Budget Message and to make any additions or revisions the Council deems advisable.

    Upon close of the public hearing, the Council shall approve the Mayor's Budget Message as presented, or as revised.

(Added February 5, 2008)